abril 8, 2024

Www lovely pepa com

Alexandra instagram

One of her first poses, dedicated to her hundreds of blog followers. Evidently, things have changed a lot since then. What has remained intact is her taste for leopard print, visible in a high percentage of her Instagram content.
Already a trendsetter in social media and fashion, Alexandra was receiving the label of ‘influencer’ with all the letters. Back in 2015, she also predicted that mixing prints in a crazy way was not crazy at all.
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Lovely pepa collection

But Alexandra has not always had in mind to dedicate herself fully to fashion. In her youth, her passion for trends was just a hobby, so she graduated in Economic Law. It would be later when she realized that fashion was the right path for her, so she followed her vocation and started in this world by creating her own website (lovely-pepa), where she gave some tips on lifestyle and looks, among others. Over time, this space became a reference to be followed by more and more women who came without hesitation to find advice on beauty or fashion.
Thanks to her popularity and effort, Alexandra has been able to participate in catwalks and polish her own style, until she created her own brand. Lovely Pepa Collection’ has become the mirror of the styling of its creator, and now her followers have an easier time recreating the style of Alexandra herself.
Her rise in the fashion world has allowed Alexandra to create her own clothing brand: Lovely Pepa Collection, where her followers can find an infinite number of garments for all tastes.

32:38mi vida en parís – vlog 3 | alexandra pereiraalexandra pereirayoutube – 25 mar 2021

Desde hace más de 4 años, Alexandra Pereira escribe en su blog las últimas tendencias de moda, su outfit del día, sus viajes, sus compromisos profesionales; en definitiva, su vertiginoso día a día, a través de su exitoso blog Lovely Pepa.
Sin embargo, nos faltaba una visión más profunda e íntima de la vida personal y familiar de esta bloguera de fama internacional.    De ahí la creación de Inside the World of Lovely Pepa, en el que Alexandra hace un paréntesis en su ajetreada agenda para compartir con nosotros sus pensamientos más íntimos y revelar aspectos completamente nuevos de su vida, con su habitual cercanía y franqueza.
No sólo comparte con nosotros sus secretos personales, sino que en este libro, Alexandra también nos revela sus reglas básicas de moda, belleza y cuidado de la salud, además de ofrecernos consejos y trucos para lucir siempre impecable y radiante.    De hecho, Alexandra consigue por fin responder, con detalle y con la atención que realmente merecen, a todas las preguntas que sus millones de seguidores se han hecho durante años, como cuáles deben ser las prendas imprescindibles en tu armario, cómo crear varios looks completamente diferentes a partir de una sola prenda, o incluso cómo comer bien, y cómo afrontar el estrés.

Lovely pepa instagram

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