Cocina con loli dominguez
eggplant recipes
Special turkey meatball for Christmas. This recipe is very typical in my town Espejo in the province of Cordoba, in any holiday you can not miss this delicious snack and especially at Christmas, sure you will not miss this dish on your table because with the triunfareis.
2. We stretch film paper, we extend half of the meat on the film paper (with the hands moistened in water it is done very well) in the center we place the boiled eggs in a row, we cover with the rest of meat, we help ourselves with the paper to roll up pressing very well, we give form of candy and we roll it on the worktop so that it takes round form, we let it rest wrapped in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes.
3. We put a frying pan over medium heat with a little oil, when hot unwrap the meat from the plastic wrap, fry the meatball until golden brown on all sides, remove it from the pan and set aside.
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