Villancicos de navidad letra en español
christmas carol of the bells lyrics
The Christmas repertoire is very beautiful and we all have sung one or another Christmas carol at some time or another. As far as Christmas carols are concerned, there are carols of different difficulties. There are really difficult pieces like Silent Night that require a guide to know how to sing it. Besides requiring a certain technical level vocally speaking (dynamics, interpretation, treble, etc).
Anyway, for you to enjoy singing this Christmas and put into practice everything you have learned about singing and vocal technique, here I have the complete lyrics of some of the most famous Christmas carols that everyone likes.
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In the UK, it is a tradition for singing groups to go from house to house to sing Christmas carols, where they are graced with some money, some cakes or an appropriate drink. The money raised usually goes to a charity.
The songs we now know as carols were originally songs sung in groups during celebrations such as harvest festivals and Christmas. It was only later that carols were sung in churches and associated specifically with Christmas.
christmas bells
‘The fishes in the river’ is one of the most famous popular carols sung in every home at Christmas. The date of its creation is not known for certain, but it is believed that it began to be popularized from the second half of the 20th century.
Hands up who has not sung at some time one of the most famous carols in history and that is sung in hundreds of homes Christmas after Christmas. It is one of our favorite carols.
It has a curiosity that catches our attention since we all think that it talks about Holland, the country, when in fact everything seems to point to Olanda, without the hache, which is the name of the star that the Magi followed to the portal of Bethlehem.
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Nowadays, after the decline of the old form of the villancico, the term is known more as a genre of song whose lyrics refer to Christmas and which is traditionally sung on those dates.
Its name probably has its origin in the fact that they are compositions of a popular nature, sung by the villains or inhabitants of the villages, generally peasants or other rural inhabitants. They were sung at popular festivals, originally without a specifically religious theme, and the main themes were the recent events of the town or region. The genre was later expanded to include a variety of themes.
The poetic form is influenced by traditional compositions of Mozarabic origin, such as the zéjel, which alternated stanzas sung by a soloist with a choral refrain. This gave way to other forms such as the cantiga de estribillo or the Galaico-Portuguese cantiga de refram.
Within the evolution of the villancico in America there are also the so-called villancicos de negro or negrillos, in which the sound of the African dialects is imitated with onomatopoeias. Among these, those of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz are particularly well known, in which she augurs, among other things, the liberation of the black population.
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