enero 10, 2025

Alma obregon tienda online

Alma obregon tienda online

Paloma casanave – cupcakes de nutella

Alma Obregón es pastelera y tiene su propio programa de repostería. En cuanto a la seguridad vial, podemos confirmar que es una firme defensora de que los niños viajen en sillas de auto orientadas hacia atrás el mayor tiempo posible. «Creo que no se hace suficiente hincapié en la importancia de que los niños viajen en sentido contrario a la marcha ni en ayudar a las familias en este sentido, ya que las sillas de coche para niños mayores son muy caras y sería una buena idea subvencionar el coste o ayudar de alguna manera».
Asegura que sus dos hijos, de 8 meses y 3 años, viajan en sentido contrario a la marcha en sus dos coches y que siempre viajan en sus respectivas sillitas: «cuando hemos alquilado un coche nos hemos llevado las sillitas o hemos alquilado una en nuestro destino. Además, cuando vamos en un traslado privado o en un taxi solicitamos una silla para niños y, si no la hay, no utilizamos ese servicio en concreto».
Alma es una firme defensora de las sillas de seguridad para niños en sentido contrario a la marcha: «llevar a nuestros hijos en asientos orientados hacia atrás el mayor tiempo posible puede reducir en un 80% el riesgo de que sufran lesiones graves en un accidente. Yo llevaré a mis hijos en asientos orientados hacia atrás el mayor tiempo posible», señala.

Baking desires creative pastry shop

Her blog ‘goal: perfect cupcake’, has been a success since she created it in 2010. From the blog Alma tries to expand her obsession with cupcakes and it seems that she is succeeding, because she has thousands of followers who fully trust her advice and who participate frequently in her social networking profiles. She has also written a book that is breaking all online sales records.
Alma, who in 2011 won the award for Golden Cooking Blogger of Canal Cocina, teaches baking courses in her charismatic workshop, which is the set of Cupcake Maniacs, and places to participate in them are increasingly sought after. Therefore, being able to follow her advice on the program during the next few Sundays will be lucky for all of us who enjoy beautiful things and baking. You can get to know Alma a little better by watching the interview in the following video.

Oxo cupcake cutter – sweet selection loja

She started taking courses and many weekends, «as flights were super cheap», she would go to London, where she learned the art of embroidering mini cakes that are inflated in a paper mold. She specialized in cake decorating and creative pastry making, obtained the Le Cordon Bleu pastry chef degree and began to document her sweet new life in the blog ‘Objetivo: Cupcake perfecto’.
In addition to Canal Cocina, where she has recorded 44 episodes of ‘Dulces con Alma’, she also shares her recipes on her Youtube channel («I don’t keep anything to myself and what makes me most excited is when people tell me that they have made my recipes and they have turned out well») and does not rule out trying Twitch («a very interesting network with many possibilities to make recipes step by step live») as soon as she goes on maternity leave.
This lover of French pastries, from Pierre Hermé to Christophe Michalak, who adores the cakes of the American Martha Stewart and who drinks the winds for Jordi Roca, invites you to go online to meet other chefs perhaps less known but equally delicious, such as Julián Ángel, the Colombian pastry chef behind the blog Historias del ciervo, or the Mexican Karina Rivera, «a real specialist in macarons who masters chocolate».

Chocolate cupcakes – valentine’s day special

Although she is known for her unconditional love for cupcakes, the truth is that she is dedicated to all kinds of desserts in body and soul. She has her own YouTube channel where she has almost 68k subscribers and more than 6.4 million views.
With a degree in Audiovisual Communication and violin pedagogy, she decided to leave everything for her love for baking. Self-taught at the beginning, she completed her training with courses in Europe and the United States and obtained the title of Pastry Chef from Le Cordon Bleu.